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Time for Yogurt

Kick off this July with Yogurt! Make your own today.

My guilty pleasure for the summer is definitely a yogurt parfait.



I’m not kidding to me a good yogurt parfait is just as soul satisfying as any YOLO meal.


Most of the commonly sold yogurts are either a drink or packed full with sugar and has this peculiar taste that I can’t quite describe. Last summer I started experimenting with making my own yogurt.

I do not own a yogurt machine and I did go out and buy live culture. You can probably pick up all the ingredients on your way home tonight, make the yogurt and it’ll be ready for you in the morning.


Ingredients: milk and yogurt

Whole milk will definitely give you a thicker creamier texture, however, feel free to use skim or nonfat. For the yogurt, you may buy any brand of yogurt that you like, I would recommend plain yogurt with no added sugar. But choose as you wish, your end result will taste like the yogurt you started with (yes, this is more like duplicating). I tend to like my yogurt to have a thicker creamier texture, therefore I use the 2:1 milk to yogurt ratio.

材料方面你只需要:鮮奶 + 原味優酪乳

全脂鮮奶做出的優格最香,口感較濃稠,但你也可以選擇使用低脂或零脂。其實你可以選擇市面上任何一款優酪乳/優格,建議使用原味無糖的最好。基本上你選擇的優酪乳/優格就會決定最後成品的味道 (對對對,其實是一個複製的概念),所以歡迎大家使用自己平時最愛吃的味道吧! 比例的部分,雪兒不喜歡太稀的口感,所以都是用鮮奶與優酪乳2:1。

Equipment: Electric rice cooker

I’m Asian. Rice is a big part of my life. I believe that almost every Taiwanese household will have an electric rice cooker. And trust me, nobody uses the rice cooker solely for cooking rice, that would be a waste. If you do not own a rice cooker, I’ve read somewhere that you may also use a heavy pot with a lid, store the heated mixture in a warm place such as the oven or microwave. But you’ll have to experiment with that one on your own.


在臺灣電鍋應該是每個家裡不可缺少的器具,如果你有電鍋的話真的很方便! 真的沒有電鍋的話,雪兒爬了一些文,得知可用有鍋蓋的小鍋加熱再放入保溫的空間如烤箱或微波爐製作,但我還未嘗試過啦~


  • Start your rice cooker without adding any water. Keep warm.

  • Pour 2 cups of milk into a glass bowl, heat in microwave for 10-15 seconds. The milk should be slightly warm to the touch.

  • Pour in 1 cup of yogurt and stir.

  • Put the mixture into the warm rice cooker. Lid on and let rest for 2 hours.

  • Turn the power off and let rest for 7-8 hours

  • Lid off, put in fridge for 1-2 hours before using


  • 電鍋不要加水,按下去讓它跳起來。維持保溫。

  • 將鮮奶 (2杯) 到入容器進微波爐中火加熱約10~15秒。稍微讓牛奶的溫度上升,用手碰有些溫度,不冰即可。(千萬不要太熱喔,溫度太高優格菌會陣亡)。

  • 加入優酪乳/優格 (1杯),輕輕攪勻。

  • 把容器放入電鍋中,鍋蓋蓋上,靜止2小時。

  • 2小時候把電鍋的電源關上,靜止7-8小時。

  • 可直接享用或放入冷藏1~2小時候食用。

I tend to make my yogurt right before I sleep. Once the power is off, I jump right into bed. The next morning, I will take my yogurt out of the rice cooker and into the fridge. Then I will be able to have yogurt as a snack after work. One of my favorite way of eating yogurt is like the Greeks with walnuts and honey.

With some added granola and fruits, it becomes a hearty breakfast or dessert.

Homemade yogurt is definitely something you will fall in love with. And if yogurt is a big part of your life, making your own can ultimately save you quite a bit of money as well. Remember you can always save some yogurt to make more! Now run along to make some yummy yogurt desserts.

早上起來再把優格取出,放入冷藏。下午就有美味的優格可以任意搭配搂! 自己做出來的優格真的比市面上普遍購買的優格好吃,如果像我一樣愛吃也可以省下不少優。你也動手來做吧!

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