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Watermelon Season

It's watermelon season! There's nothing like a refreshing cup of watermelon juice on a hot summer day! Read on to see how I created my edible watermelon babies!

夏天最受歡迎的水果來啦~ 在炎熱的夏天裡來一杯西瓜汁好清爽。那吐司換上西瓜的衣服會不會讓你更有食慾呢?

Surely most of us with regular work hours are all too familiar with Monday blues: you are very likely suffering from expanding migraine and sluggishness, perhaps you are hunched over your desk drowning down your fifth cup of coffee or you’re eyeing the digits on the bottom right of your screen willing the digits to move faster. Luckily this is when my colleague decided to hand me the last piece of her “watermelon toast”.

藍色星期一,同是從宜蘭回來帶了知名的”西瓜吐司”。當她把最後一片分給了我,瞬間覺得天阿! 好療育喔

If this toast does not bring a smile to your face, I don’t know what would!


The colors are just so beautifully vibrant. Instantly the crazy “chef” in me would obsessed over the fact how this brilliant bread is created.

Articles and articles of this “famous watermelon toast” created by a baker in Ilan County told me that he created this toast to attract and encourage children to eat bread. Several articles also mention that the ingredients include strawberries, matcha, raisins, bamboo dust as well as some food coloring to help with the colors.

Enlightened, my colleague challenged me to recreate the “watermelon toast”. Well, challenge accepted!

This is when I became obsessed with not only recreate the toast but rather to make a healthified, all natural version. Right off I knew I wanted to use beetroot to create the gorgeous reddish pink color. Thus, I also became stubborn about dyeing the dough green with a vegetable instead of matcha powder.

愛料理的我,很好奇的想知道到底是怎麼辦到的。同事非常可愛的加了一句”你一定做得出來的”。!!! 就是她那句話讓我恨不得想快點實驗。立馬GOOGLE了西瓜吐司,第一則就是新聞報導宜蘭XXX麵包店的西瓜吐司爆紅。老闆創造西瓜吐司是希望可以吸引小 朋友吃麵包。新聞也透露鮮豔的顏色是用草莓、抹茶、葡萄乾、竹炭粉及色素呈現。

認識我的人就會知道…我在料理的時候很少會全程follow食譜的。除非是Gordon Ramsay的食譜,沒辦法誰叫他是我的廚神,料理時我只聽他的話 XD


My first pick for the green was of course spinach. However since it’s been over 30C degrees out and spinach is supposedly grown in the wintertime… I had no luck finding spinach. Thus I started closely examining all the other vegetables at the market. Finally, I settled for sweet potato leaves, believing that it’s green enough to use as a substitute.

首選是菠菜。但現在是炎熱的夏天耶! 聽說波菜是冬天的蔬菜?! 在超市轉呀轉…地瓜葉! 就是你啦! 想說地瓜葉跟波菜一樣也有常常的綠梗,也算比較深綠色的蔬菜了。其他入圍的還有空心菜及小松菜(或許以後有機會也可以實驗看看)。

In Taiwan you can find bamboo dust/charcoal versions of almost everything: snacks, drinks, clothes, amenities, and even skin care products. However, the actual ingredient itself is NOT something commonly sold in supermarkets. Thus, I would have to go out of my way and find a big baking supplies shop to get my hands on the ingredient. So at first I considered looking for an alternative, some ideas include black cocoa, black olives, and black sesame powder. However, I didn’t want to alter the taste of my toast too much with these ingredients… sadly I still have not found a better solution than bamboo dust. Throwing my hands up, I decided to Ubike to the baking supply shop to grab a bag of bamboo dust to get the job done. Besides, bamboo dust is supposed to give all these added benefits, no?

再來我似乎忘了竹炭粉這東西幾乎在各式各樣的商品中都可找到從食品、水到日用品及化妝品都常常會添加竹炭粉,但原料很少見阿! 最後搜尋了一翻,果然要到食品材料行才買得到。原本還想說是否有別的食材可代替,想到的有黑巧克力粉、黑橄欖及黑芝麻。但種覺得這些時才大量使用土司的味 道應該會變得很詭異吧? 最後任命的騎Ubike去食品材料行…

Lastly I needed to think of an alternative for the watermelon seeds. At this point using raisins just didn’t seem fitting, so I settled for black olives, hopefully this will give my toast the same salty taste in focaccias that I love.

After brainstorming and gathering all the ingredients, I was finally ready to embark on my watermelon journey. You can find the reciepe here.

西瓜肉、西瓜皮、西瓜皮的條文都KO了,只剩下西瓜子了。原食譜是用葡萄乾,但總覺得我把材料都改為蔬菜後加入葡萄乾好像有點怪。好吧或許是我奇怪的堅持我要用”蔬菜”!!! 那就黑橄欖吧,反正我這麼愛吃佛卡夏! (痾… 對,我做菜就是這麼大拉拉) 想跟我一起做的人請點我

Doesn't the different color dough reminds you of playdough? Brings me right back to my childhood. Better yet, this is edible! I'm so happy that all the colors turned out brilliantly, just like I wished for.

三色麵粉柔好擺在一起好像紙黏土喔! 顏色鮮豔,彷彿回到童年。麵團們都成功的染色,顏色也都很飽和,真讓人興奮。而整個製作過程就跟玩黏土一樣,拼拼湊湊,值得期待的是...還可以把它吃掉!! 有沒有這麼好康啊? 已經可以想像國小家政課,大家一起做麵包的好活動。

Welcome to my watermelon patch!


Since I only have a medium sized oven, I separted the dough into two bread molds.

After about 45 minutes in the oven, they were done. Here they are cooling on the rack, all plump and ready for slicing!

這次做了一條土司,因為我的烤箱不大,所以分別放入兩個半條土司模。進烤箱烤約45分鐘後就可以脫模搂~ 兩條土司正在架上降溫,迫不及待想把它們切開看看成果。

Look at that georgeous color! What are you waiting for?! Make your own watermelon bread today!

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